Senin, 02 Mei 2011

cute pink+gray handbag with skulls! (with pattern)

it feels like it's been a year since I've posted something new! After a long month of making crafts for Christmas gifts, I finally had time (and motivation! knowing you have to finish 76 projects by whatever date is so draining sometimes) to make something for me. And I'm so happy with it!

it's not perfect, but I love it anyway. It's a little bunchy (though, I didn't have a chance to iron it (or pull off threads, gah!) before I took pics so maybe that would help) and I can see billions of little mistakes, I don't really love the pocket flap shapes, and the lining was sort of painful, but overall it was fun to make. I'd be happy to post a tutorial, or even just pics of the pattern pieces I drew up if anyone would like, but it's really just a modification of Ainadaliel's bowling bag:

I used pink canvas for the main fabric, gray canvas for the outside pockets, and gray stretch skull knit for the pocket details (that was not fun). I used gray vinyl for the handles, and a lovely dark gray suiting for the inside and inside pockets. It's fully lined and fully interfaced, and I put a piece of old plastic notebook cover on the bottom for a bit of added strength. I had never done a lined zippered bag quite like this, so it was an adventure!




action shot: (pardon the blur and the mess!)

all comments appreciated! Wink

EDIT: here's a sketch with measurements of my pattern pieces. Hope it helps! (right click and choose 'view image' or similar to see it larger)

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